收藏: 中国茶叶


中国茶叶 101




Long-term and regular consumption of any kind of Chinese tea is generally beneficial for ones health. There's scientific evidence supporting the fact that tea drinking can decrease the risk of heart diseases, some types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and inflammation. Studies also suggest tea consumption can improve bone health.

We believe moderate daily consumption of tea is generally health, unless you're very sensitive to caffeine or if your doctor advises you not to drink tea. To avoid any side effects, do not drink tea on an empty stomach and don't drink tea in the evening to avoid insomnia. The best time to enjoy tea is half an hour after breakfast and lunch.

For more information we recommend reading these academic studies

  • "Tea consumption and the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: The China-PAR project" by Wang et al., published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (2020).
  • "Green tea consumption and cause-specific mortality: Results from two prospective cohort studies in China" by Yu et al., published in the Journal of Epidemiology (2017).
  • "Tea and flavonoid intake predict osteoporotic fracture risk in elderly Australian women: A prospective study" by Myers et al., published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2015).
  • "The beneficial effects of tea on immune system and inflammation: A review of evidence from in vitro, animal, and human research" by Chandra et al., published in Nutrition Research (2017).
  • "Long-term tea intake is associated with reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes in elderly women" by Iso et al., published in the Journal of Nutrition (2011).



  • 红茶 - 咖啡因含量最高,通常每8盎司含14-70毫克。
  • 绿茶 - 含有适量的咖啡因,一般每8盎司绿茶含24-45毫克。
  • 乌龙茶 - 介于红茶和绿茶之间,每8盎司茶叶中含有约30-50毫克咖啡因。
  • 白茶 - 咖啡因含量最少,通常每 8 盎司茶含15-30毫克。
  • 花草茶 - 大多数品种都不含咖啡因。

请注意,这些用量会因茶水比例、冲泡时间、等级、产地、品种和许多其他因素而变化。上述数据是“西式”冲泡的中国茶的咖啡因估计值。用 “传统方法”(茶水比高)冲泡的同一种茶,咖啡因含量一般会更高。





