2023 宜邦古い木生茶 小葉中(小葉)200g
2023 宜邦古い木生茶 小葉中(小葉)200g
宜邦(倚邦)の小葉品種(Xiao Ye Zhong)から作られた生のプーアル茶。これほど複雑で層状の香りをもつ生のプーアルを味わったことはありません。
Teasenz のケーキすべて、細心の注意を払って製造されています。
- 2023年春に手摘みされた茶葉を茶葉に加工し、茶葉をそのままの状態で10か月間熟成させました。これにより、より均一に熟成されたお茶ができました。2024年1月、茶葉管理された温度で蒸され、ケーキに圧縮されました。
- 丁寧に手作業で石で圧搾するため、葉と芽は完全に無傷のままです。緩めに圧搾することで、お茶のケーキ最適な熟成状態になり、時間の経過とともに風味が蓄積されます。また、葉を折ることなくケーキ簡単に緩めることができます。
- ケーキ、さらに最適な熟成期間を保つために 2 層の紙で二重に包装され、過度の湿気から守るために 5ケーキごとに竹のシートで包まれています。
3~4 回を淹れると、驚くべき茶気 (お茶のエネルギー) が背中の毛穴を開きます。汗をかき始めると、体は深くリラックスし、心の中のストレスが消え去ります。
「六大茶山」の 1 つである宜邦は、地元の小葉の品種のお茶で際立っています。他の 5 つの山は、格登、望志、満州、義烏、幽楽です。
6つの山の中で最も標高が高いのは宜邦山(1950メートル)ですが、宜邦地域の最も低い標高は海抜565メートルです。この優れた「垂直生態系」により、宜邦山は大葉 (Da Ye Zhong)、中葉 (Zhong Ye Zhong)、および小葉 (Xiao Ye Zhong) の品種が繁栄できる唯一の場所になります。
Yibang が特に有名なのは後者の小葉品種で、長い産毛のある深い緑色の平らな葉が特徴です。
- Origin: Yibang, Yunnan
- Harvest: Spring 2023
- Total harvest quantity: 40kg (200 cakes)
- Picking method: hand picked
- Compression: Loosely stone-pressed in January 2024
- Tea type: raw pu erh tea
- Tea shape: tea cake
- Weight: approx. 200g
How to Steep
How to Steep
Prepare 6 gram of tea with 100ml of water in a gaiwan or small teapot. As this pu erh tea is made from the small leaf cultivar, we recommend to let the boiled water cool down slightly until it reaches a temperature between 90-95ºC. A temperature of 90ºC is more suitable if you like lighter and more subtle taste. However, if you like more robust flavours, 95ºC is the best choice.
Apply a somewhat longer steeping time for the first steep to allow the chunk of pu erh to loosen up properly. 15-20 seconds will be sufficient. After the first steep, you may apply a 10 second steeping time for the steep 2-5 and then gradually increase the steeping time as according to your individual taste.
Western tea steeping instructions: If you prefer to prepare the tea in a larger teapot, then we recommend to steep 3 grams of tea with 500ml of water and apply a 1.5 minute steeping time. Gradually increase the steeping time if you want to re-steep the tea leaves.
Shipping, Returns & Payment Methods
Shipping, Returns & Payment Methods
Delivery time: 1-10 day EU delivery. For estimates per country, please visit the shipping info page at the bottom of our website.
Import taxes?: because we ship from our EU warehouse, you will NOT be charged import taxes upon delivery if you're based in the EU. All taxes are already included in our prices.
Free shipping: available for orders over €59 for The Netherlands/Belgium, €80 for other EU countries & UK, and over €100 for other countries.
Returns: orders can be returned for a refund within 30 days. Products should returned in unopened, unused condition.

Our design work is inspired by the artwork “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” by the Zhang Zeduan in the Song Dynasty. Instead of displaying the daily lives of people in the capital of China (as the original artwork), we display the tea making process of farmers through the same bird’s eye perspective.
When examining our packaging design in detail, tea enthusiasts will observe the tea making process, featuring tea farmers picking, drying, rolling, and frying tea leaves. The tea is then tasted in a pavilion and transported by horses along the ‘ancient tea road’.
Together, the traditional Chinese landscape and tea making theme, symbolise heritage, tradition, and respect for hard work of tea farmers.